Social Media is a Lie (and other things I wish they’d start teaching in kindergarten)

Unfollow, unfriend, block and unsubscribe from anyone who ignites even a single spark of negative emotion within you. Yes, ANY spark! (it’s okay, you have my permission…and they won’t even have a clue!)

Comparison is the killer of creativity and self-confidence, but it can also be the secret sauce to your ambition and drive. so, how do we strike that elusive balance?

After I first moved to Atlanta, I joined a Makeup Artist Social group, where this dilemma was a recurring theme. I, too, was ensnared by the "highlight reel" illusion of social media. But I soon had an epiphany: by removing people from my digital circle (thank you “mute”) and curating a feed of those who fuel my growth in constructive, uplifting ways, I could dive headfirst into my passions and creativity, rather than languish in the shadows of inadequacy. I’m certainly not the first to have this revelation… but it still is worth shouting from the roof tops! So, I began to encourage those around me to do the same (and now you!), be inspired by those in your feeds, not jealous!

She is us. we are her.

However, when jealousy does emerge (and this is totally normal), consider it a recognition of your own desires—what your peer has achieved, you can achieve as well! Seeing them on stage accepting their Emmy is incredible, isn't it? Knowing them personally... if they can achieve that, so can you! Let it inspire you! Push you to work harder. Or…Mute. that’s okay too.

Hmm, what’s it called again? oh yes, that’s right! the formidable creature— “Imposter Syndrome”, I’ll delve deeper into this in a future blog post and an upcoming feature in Atlanta Voyage’s “Bold Journey” (Out now!). But for now, let’s take care of the social media scaries! So many things can feed this creature, but I have evicted it from my mental space. And should our paths cross on set, I'll help you evict yours as well!!

Everyone is entitled to a seat at the table. And if the table doesn’t suit us, we will build our own. And if the room proves inadequate for our table, we’ll construct our own room! (Confused? Hang tight, you'll catch on!)

Remember, the art, life snippets, and all that jazz (!) you post on social media are often the highlight reel of your days. It's the same story for pretty much everyone else. A montage of these shiny moments doesn't paint the full picture of the day-to-day life. So, stacking up your journey—be it in your career, personal life, or love saga—against someone else's curated feed? That's just not fair. It's like comparing apples to a painting of apples—similar, but one's juicier than the other. Keep it real, folks!

And…Cut! Stay tuned for more behind-the-scenes action. (don’t mute me—I’m inspiring, I swear!) A new blog post premieres every Friday brimming with savvy advice, clever techniques, and exclusive conversations with the veterans of the industry. Stay tuned!! Follow along on Instagram, YouTube and coming soon to Spotify!

Until Next time!

-Amber Michael